Synopsis: Elena is a chef that is given her dream of running her own kitchen in a world-class restaurant. She constantly deals with pain in her body and soul from a tragic accident in which she was the only survivor. Running her own kitchen brings on many challenges with a unique set of characters and soon leads to a romance with the owner of the restaurant. Elena cooks with passion through her pain while she learns to deal with the ghosts of her past.
Recipes Embedded Throughout the Story:
Abuela Maria Elena’s Posole (p.54)
Mayan Hot Chocolate (p.70)
Juan’s Carne en Su Jugo (p.107)
Pomegranate Baklava (p. 197)
Banana and Chocolate Chip Pancakes (p. 221)
Pan De Muerto (Bread of the Dead) p. 266
Tansy’s Churros (p. 281)
Traditional Pork & Red Chile Tamales (p. 316 – Winter Section)
The Ultimate Restorative Chicken Soup (p. 374)
Polvorones (Mexican Christmas Cookies) p. 390
Ivan’s French Toast (p. 408) Carnitas (p. 432)
Mexican Wedding Cookies (Epilogue)
Personal Notes: I have made my own version of Carnitas with a few different spices but they are never as soft and/or tasty. I believes it is because I do not cook with lard; the recipe in this book uses lard and the spices are different but common. The chicken soup recipe my mother has made many times but she insists you must have a stewing chicken and add cumin. This is a wonderful story with Hispanic cultural elements that made me smile and remember my past. Barbara O’Neal is my new favorite author!